If you've ever been in a relationship, you know that it can be difficult to make time for each other. Between work and competing schedules and a hundred other things-to-do, it's tough to always feel as connected as you want to be.
Time for Action 056 - Make Moments. It's not enough to sit and wait for moments to happen. I need to make them. They don't have to be major productions or complicated endeavors. They just need to be honest, sincere, and often.
Today's moment? After the gym, I went by Subway, grabbed some lunch to go, and met up with my husband at his work. We didn't have a long time, but we did get to eat lunch together and spend an unexpected moment together.
It was good. And it was the first one many to come.
[caption id="attachment_284" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Ric and I at Urban Mo's, celebrating our anniversary a few years back."][/caption]
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