Friday, August 30, 2013

It's Fan Boy Friday! Meet Susan Patriquin.

As if I needed another reason to love Fridays, right? But blogging about some of the amazing people in my life puts me in such a great mood. While I'm running during the week, I let my mind wander and I think about my different friends. For days, my thoughts return to the people who make my life truly worth living, and I'm happy every single time. To be honest, I never thought about that aspect of it, about how writing Fan Boy Fridays might make ME feel better. But it does. It puts the good in my life front and center and I'm reminded - again - just how fortunate I am. With that in mind, let's get to this week's Fan Boy Friday!

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Susan Patriquin.

She has been a part of my life since I was a young boy, when she married my Uncle Tim and became part of the are-you-kidding-me?! huge Patriquin family. For more than thirty years, she has been a part of my life, and I am thankful every single day.

She is my Aunt, yes, but we're close in age and she feels much more like a peer. And although she lives halfway across the country in Austin, Texas, she is my go-to person when I need to vent about whatever day-to-day nonsense is bothering me.

More than that, though, she is the person who really taught me what it means to open your home and be a giving, welcoming host. Over the years, I have shown up on her doorstep alone, with Marine friends, with an entire relay race team of strangers... she never knew just who would be on the other side of the opening door. But it has never mattered. Each and every time, she has invited me and whomever was with me into her home, made us feel comfortable and at ease, and shown by example what hospitality looks like.

"Texas Toast," our Capital to Coast Relay Team
invading Casa Patriquin in October 2012. 
She is a talented decorator with an amazing eye for detail, she is a loving wife and a mother to my cousins, Tom and Stacey, and she is an "adopted Mom" to who knows how many people over the years who needed a stable and caring person in their lives. And she enjoys Jack on the rocks or a good glass of wine. What's not to love?

Susan, you are a truly fantastic person. Without exception, every single one of my friends that meet you think, "dude, she's awesome! I wish she was my Aunt!" And it's true. I am lucky. I'm glad that my Uncle had the sense to hang on to you all these years and not let you get away. You have made such a positive difference in my life and you are, truly, family.

I am a fan.

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