Wednesday, July 8, 2015

#RunSelfieChallenge - Week One Recap

On July 1st, I started the #RunSelfieChallenge. It's been a full week now and I'm seven for seven.

It's been good. It's been bad. And it's been ugly.

The good? There's a lot. I've been active consistently for eight days already. I've logged more miles this month than I did in April, May, and June combined. I've started with very low distances and I am staying very conservative in the distances so I don't get injured or burn out.

I'm pushing for a total of 65 miles this month. They can be walked, jogged, or run, doesn't matter. But they have to be done. And so far, I've completed 14.49 against a goal of 14. So go me!

The miles in green are done, clear miles are still to come this month.

And more good? I'm actually enjoying the whimsy and fun of the daily photos.

The bad? I'm not running right now. I'm mostly walking with a little jogging added in when I can. And since I have a relay race, two half marathons, and a full marathon all coming up in the Fall, I need to get myself ramped up with my training sooner than later.

The ugly? My shins. Each day, my shins are getting progressively more painful. I need to move from the road onto the treadmill to see if that helps as I get back into the miles. I'm not even going to think about what I will do if the pain continues. Because I'm definitely NOT quitting this challenge.

And that's the recap. I can do this. I WILL do this.

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