"Sounds great, but I can't," you say. "I have bills and kids and work and too much to do," you say. "Adventure is great for other people, but not me," you say.
Why not? Why not YOU?
It starts with a simple decision. Choose to make it so. Decide that your life can be an adventure, and it can start right now. Today. Believe that it's worth the effort, the time, the work it will take. Make the choice and it can happen.
Don't know what I'm talking about? Let me explain by asking a question. What did you do last Saturday? Do you know? Can you even remember a week ago? Or was your Saturday just another day of chores, tasks, responsibilities and to-do items? Did you do ANYTHING at all for yourself?
I know what I did last week. I ran a 3.75 mile adventure race at Quantico Marine Base, Virginia. I joined two Marine buddies and we ran, walked, crawled, slogged, climbed, splashed, laughed and loved our Run Amuck adventure.
Was it an adventure? Absolutely! I ran with two people I hadn't seen in more than twenty years, and we enjoyed an experience that we will remember the rest of our lives. THAT is what matters, what makes it an adventure. It is significant and important and meaningful enough to be a lifelong memory.
Adventure. It's out there waiting for you. So why aren't you reaching for it? Are you afraid? Worried that it's too much for you? Worried you'll try something new and fail? So what? Life is worth the risk. And the rewards are so amazing, so affirming, so powerful. Take the first step and see that I am telling you the truth.
I know. You're wondering, "so, I made the choice, now what?" Here's the cool part. Your adventure is completely up to you. It may be something grand and outrageous. (Bungie jumping from a bridge?) Or it may be something simple and personal. (Walking your first 5k?) It doesn't matter how your adventure begins, just that it does.
In the past few months, I have done things I never thought I would do:
Super Spartan
Safari Park Half Marathon
Ragnar Relay
Bay to Breakers
Tough Mudder
Rock and Roll Half Marathon
I have made memories worth keeping, written stories worth telling, and lived moments worth remembering. And all because not too long ago, I said, "yes."
Decide right now that YOU are going to live a life worth living. Decide that you are going to find one activity, one goal, one challenge... one thing worth doing and bragging about later. It may be a walk around the block or a run across the country. What it is doesn't matter. All that matters is that it is an adventure for YOU!
Do something now that you will remember next week. Make your life an adventure.
P.S. And you can LIKE this blog, or forward it on to other people, or copy parts of it, or use it as inspiration and write your own version. Whatever you choose to do, you do so with my blessing. I am SO grateful to Spark People for helping me turn my life around, I am more than happy to do anything that helps "Spark" someone else!
P.P.S. Heck, I even inspired myself. I just now signed up for the Camp Pendleton Heartbreak Ridge Half Marathon in September.
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